31-Dec-2021 :: Another Year
Another Year has come to an end already. Yet more COVID-19 variants running
wild in the world. Delta, Mu, and now Omicron.
I am working on an archive of my radio and club show recordings, which I hope
to have online sometime next week. Sadly it appears that only 2 recordings from
2006 on Club-69 radio have survived.
27-Dec-2021 :: Snow Day
I got a call early this morning that my dialysis transportation for this
morning has been cancelled, as they are closed due to the weather. It's been
snowing since christmas day here in Reno. Yesterday at 1:30am I got a text
alert from the county weather bureau about severe storms and possible white-
out conditions. No, not unusual for Reno. We get snow every year, in fact
it was a bit late this year. It usually starts to snow around my birthday
in late November. The problem though is that we didn't have dialysis
transportation of Friday either due to it being christmas eve.
19-Dec-2021 :: Still Alive
I am definatly experiancing the time acceleration that comes when you
get older. Time seems to go much faster. The days go by faster.
My shows have been going well, both the live club show at the Yiff in SL, and
my radio show on WOGR. These have been about the only interesting things
going on though. The rest of the week is pretty bland.
15-Nov-2021 :: Vanilla Pudding / Labs
The past couple of weeks have [still] been very bland, like vanilla pudding.
Razi wasn't on yesterday and I midded DD's shows as well on Saturday.
Just kinda drifting along.
The dialysis clinic pulls several tubes of blood for lab work each month,
and we work with a nutritionist to keep everything in balance. I got the lab
reports for this month and for once everything was finally within the correct
ranges. (I have been struggling to get my protien levels up to normal
ever since my kidneys failed.)
07-Nov-2011 :: Vanilla / BLFC
The last couple of weeks have been kind of lah - Plain Vanilla.
Last week I went to a Holoween Party which I enjoyed.
The week before was BLFC (The Biggest Little Fury Convention) here in Reno.
I couldn't afford to actually atted the convention but did manage to meet
a few of my online furry friends, and had breakfast with Razi and Zera.
17-Oct-2021 :: Vanilla Week
It's been kind of a plaim Vanilla kind of week for me. Nothing new or exciting.
I have recordings of my music shows, both on OGR and at the Yiff club
that I will be posting here on my website sometime this week.
10-Oct-2021 :: Crazy Day
Today was the WHO Mental Health Awareness Day, so of course I played a
theme block about being crazy .... Ya, I'm having fun doing music shows
29-Sep-2021 :: Live Club Shows
It's now official. I will be appearing LIVE at the Yiff Hangout Club in
Second Life
every Saturday Evening from 10PM to Midnight Pacific Time.
If you aren't in second life, you can tune in the show at
I am currently working on setting up the request cgi again. It should be
back in operation by the time of my Saturday show!
26-Sep-2021 :: Let there me Meow-sick!
I had a bit of a rough start this morning going back on the air playing
music, but did finally manage to get everything up and running.Of course
I tested everything except the encoders, so naturally they weren't working.
They had supposedly fixed the network router in my building, and it has
seemed to be working well until I actually stressed it with the broadcast.
I did enjoy myself though playing 80's hits. I'm now on every Sunday from
Noon to 3pm Eastern on www.ourgenerationradio.com
21-Sep-2021 :: Disney World
Since STEAM was down this afternoon, I decided to pull out Mordecai, one of
my alts in Second Life and go poking around for stuff. (For those who don't
know, Mordecai is my child avatar. Check out the
Second Life section of my website for info on my avatars!)
I actully DID find something interesting.
A whole sim re-creation of Disney World. I had a lot of fun exploring it
as I've never been to Disney WORLD. I've been to Disney LAND in Anaheim CA
many times. When I was a kid we lived not far from it so we went at least
once a year. But never to Disney World, which is in Florida.) I rode on several
of the rides they had re-created, the Monorail, Spaceship Earth and Horizons.
Had a blast.
On a more serious note, I'm not doing so well in real life. I'm really feeling
the pinch of the money Anna stole. I'm out of cash and running out of just
about everything. Well, Anna and my rent was increased this month.
17-Sep-2021 :: End of the Atomic Radio Theatre
I have closed the Atomic Radio theatre and cancelled the show on OGR.
I had very few people actually comming to the theatre, and not many people
listening on OGR. I will be going back to my music show on OGR on Sunday
at Noon Eastern (9am Pacific) starting 26-Sep-2021
Part of it is that I've been having problems with a person in second life,
who has been harassing me because of my advertising agency. Worse, I can't
get the Lindens to DO anything about it so I can't exactly see paying them
for land use anymore.
11-Sep-2021 :: Catching Up
Every time I come out of Dialysis now I feel weaker and sicker, three years
worth is finally starting to catch up and effect me more and more. I'm also
starting to feel the effect of the money Anna stole from me. I'm not sure
I will make it through the rest of this month.
I've been working a lot on my second life stores. Money from second life is
transferable to the real world so I'm hoping to make some extra cash that way.
Like with being a merchant in real life, being one in second life takes some
work. Designing and creating the products is just the beginning. Setting up
the shops in malls (I have 6 mall shops now) and customer service are just
as important in SL as RL. I finally setup a shop on SL's marketplace today as
06-Sep-2021 :: Okay Week
It's been an Okay week for me. I caught DD's show on Wed and had an okay time,
although I missed his show on Sat. Sun I hung out with My Little Pony Friends
(Literally) for Razi's show. Yes, Second Life is mostly a VR social platform,
at least for me. Most of my friends (including my RL friends) are in SL.
It isn't really apparent in the Dance Vids I post here because I turn off the
user interface when recording those videos. While we are dancing we are also
chatting in both text and voice, and I usually also have several group
chats going.
Ray's sister Sue and I have been exchanging e-mails this past week. I hadn't
heard from her since right after Ray passed away so it is good to hear from
29-Aug-2021 :: Still Meh
Still having the Mehs. Neither DD nor Razi was on this weekend so the clubs
were kinda dead for me. Nothing to lift my spirits. I spent most of the
week working on scripted gadgets to sell in Second Life. I'm also running
out of money so I can't really get out IRL either. I still can't believe
I was stupid enough to let Anna get access to my bank card.
16-Aug-2021 :: I don't want to live on this planet anymore
I've been feeling kind of "meh" since the IYC closed. DD hasn't been doing
his shows at the YIFF club on Saturdays the past couple of weeks. I've
been going to Club Ren during the week, but the weekends are kind of blah.
I had a run-in with one of the old IYC DJ's on Saturday, Mr.Kitty.
I guess he is a communist or Facist or something. He dosen't believe anyone
should express their thoughts about his shows, or talk to one's friends or
aquantinces about him. After I had walked out on his show, his Wife started
sending me abusive IM's and got obscene when I told her that I thought Kitty
was the worst DJ in all of second life. Their Nazi Kinderspeil upset me a
lot more that it probbably would have otherwise, with me already feeling
kinda down.
Razi was on at Luna's on Sunday, but it was'nt enough to lift my spirits.
On top of all that I've been having to deal with other idiots in second life who have been blocking my advertisements and returning my adboards. I'm currently waiting for Linden Labs to explain how these people are building prims on my land and returning my objects from land I own.
Of course, Dialysis today left me pretty sick and exhausted.
25-July-2021 :: =IYC= Closing
I had asked Primal Snowpaw about renting a marketplace stall for BenjiTec
a couple of days ago, and he replied that he was closing the venue.
I thought he meant just the marketplace, but he posted a notice on the
IYC website that he is closing the entire IYC due to his health, and the
drama. (Which must invarably occur in any gathering of any fandom.)
I guess I was somewhat expecting this since Primal re-designed the club
a couple of months ago. He was trying to get more of a social club vibe
instead of a dance club, which didnt work out well (for me anyway.)
The IYC has been a hub for Furry's in Second Life since 2008. Primal has
actually closed the IYC a couple of times before, in 2014-2015 and again
in 2017-2019, so there is hope it will reopen.
DJ Dark Dragon said he will be appearing on Saturdays at the Yiff Club and
on Wednesdays at the Ren. And Razi is still on at Luna's Empire on Sundays
so I expect to be going to these from now on.
20-July-2021 :: Computer
I managed to get my main computer up and working over the weekend. Turned out
that Microsoft had done another big update to Windows-10 which turned on and
off a lot of services. It was really annoying when I got the network adapter
working to find MS had installed all kinds of shit which started popping up
and attaching to my taskbar.
They IYC was *totally* dead on Sunday. No DJ's an no one around at all.
I have been doing my Radio Show, the Atomic Radio Theatre again.
But no one has been comming to the theatre in Second Life. If I can
manage to keep the shows running, hopefully it will build up an audiance.
16-July-2021 :: Angioplasty
I had my first dialysis with the latest access port today. It went well which
is a really good thing as I think I was at the limit of what my body could
handle. It had been 2 weeks since the last dialysis that had worked correctly.
I'm a little light headed and fatigued from it.
The surgery turned out to be a bit more complicated than usual, they discovered
that the problem was that the artery where the access port was connected had
narrowed. Kinda like sucking on a straw with the other end blocked which
causes the straw to collapse. They did an
Angioplasty to
widen the artery to it's normal size.
13-July-2021 :: Much
I'm scheduled for surgery tomorrow to again replace my dialysis access port.
They were not able to correctly run the treatment all this past week, and
I am beginning to feel the effects.
Second Life and Ad Agency
I have been spending an enourmous amount of time in Second Life this past week.
I got a brilliant idea to start an Advertising agency and network the
billboards using my Rexx servers. I have the sripts in-world as well as the
Unix back-end programs running now.
Now I'm buying up a LOT of little snippets of land near roads where people
sub-divided their land and had some left over. Mostly 16 sq-meter pieces.
Just barely big enough to fit a billboard. The problem is that SL no longer
lists the ones this small in searches so you have to go find them by walking
I had an interesting experiance though. I had found a slightly larger plot
of land, about 400 sq-m within my budget, that had a bus stop built on it.
While I was standing there debating buying the land, a bus pulled up with
about 10 people, and stopped for abbout a minuite. Insperation struck and
I bought the land and re-built the bus stop with an advertising board.
I feel pretty good about this one, as I am both able to promote my
Advertising business, and have something for the community.
I just hope the old saying "Build it and they
will come" is true in Second Life.
Computer Problem
My main computer is offline, aparently the drivers for my Linksys Wi-Fi
adapter aren't compatable with the latest Windows-10 update. It finally
gave me the excuse to clean-up the little Chineese computer I had given
to Anna when she was here. I'm using it now. It's actually a good
computer for what it is, but I miss my G-Force video card very badly.
The IYC club Sunday was awful.
05-Jul-2021 :: Failed Dialysis
I went for dialysis today, but they had some problems with the process.
Aparently the line pressure on the "pull" side was too high, meaning
the machine was not able to draw blood from me to be filtered.
The nurse said she was feeling resistance when she tried to asperate my
venous line and may be forming a fiberous sheath again. She wants me to
go to the access center to have it replaced, again.
They ended up disconneting me after just one hour because they
were affraid of clotting.
In the back of my mind, I have had the recurring thought that they are
getting a kick-back from the surgery center and are JUST trying to get
money by pretending the access port is failing. Then sending me to
have it replaced over and over...
The doctors at the surgery/access center keep trying to talk me into
a Fistula, which I dont think I can handle psychologically. But it would make
them a lot of money for the surgery, I know.
(I keep laughing at Dr. Sanders trying to talk everyone into this and I
keep thinking .. Ya, I'm sure Colonel Sanders told the chickens that
deep-frying was good for them.)
If it's actually true though, that the port is failing then I'm in trouble.
Just after the last replacement the Dr told me that my veins and arteries
where they are connecting the port tubing looks like raw hamburger, and
they probbably could not replace it again.
In other news, neither of my two favorite DJ's were on yesterday.
01-July-2021 :: Sim Airport
Early this morning Sim Airport became the third "Perfect Game" on Steam
(where all achevements have been completed for the game.)
I had hoped that with the major Windows-10 update awhile back that
Zoo Tycoon would start working again. Sadly the menus still break when
you get to a certain point. The game still seems to be running, but you
cant select anything nor escape from the menus.
26-Jun-2021 :: Atomic Radio Theatre
Yesterday they gave me a new time for Dialysis, now from 11am to 3pm
starting on Monday. This means I will be home in time to broadcast
my radio shows.
You can join me in Second Life at
The Atomic Radio Theatre
or listen to the show on
Our Generation Radio
The shows are scheduled for 6:00p to 8:00p Pacific (9:00p to 11:00p Eastern)
Every day except Sunday and Thursday.
24-June-2021 :: Turok / Dialysis / Jon
In 1997 Acclaim and Iguana Entertainment released
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter for the N64 console.
I very quickly became an expert at this game, as I do with most games I play.
Ray and I decided to make and sell a video series on how to play, giving tips as well as a
complete walk-through. Probbably the very first "Let's Play" videos ever recorded.
I have long since lost the videos sadly.
I have been working on the achevements in STEAM
for Turok, trying to make it the third "perfect game" with all of the achevements completed.
I recorded a video of the Speedrunner achevement, which I finally completed successfully yesterday.
I have decided to record the walk-throughs again, showing all the tips, tricks, special locations and secret
areas. So I have re-organized the videos section of my website and put Benji's dance videos in their
own section, and the game videos in another section. (I might later add some other sections)
I wasn't able to go to dyalisis on either Monday or Wednesday because I didn't have any bus tickets.
One of my drivers from the St.Mary's Network Access to healthcare, Theresa, gave me two books of RTC
bus tickets today. So I will be able to get to and from Dialysis for the next month.
I had a long phone conversation with my friend Jon Alvord.
Aparently the job he has been working at no longer needed an IT manager, so
they basically told him "Good luck Mr Dunsel"
[My words, not theirs.] As the British would say, he got sacked for being redundant.
He has decided to draw his social security benifits and retire early, and perhaps
become a reseller for Amazon or on eBay.
20-June-2021 :: Website Updates
Over the past couple of weeks I have been updating (and creating) a lot
of pages on my personal website:
Games » Online » Second Life
Games » Online (Added link to STEAM Profile) 
Video [Now shows which you have NOT viewed in goldenrod]
About Me » Jitar » History
Life » People I Should Mention
Second Life's 18th Birthday event is going on at the moment, so I have
been spending time at the event. It dosen't seem too interesting this
year, and the shopping mall for the event is all Women's clothing and
shoes (Just like SL is mainly.)
The IYC had a gay-pride event tonight, so there was a HUGE crowd out
on the dance floor. I think more than 50 people came out. DJ DarkDragon
wasn't on tonight as they were running the DJ's that did more gay-friendly
and oriented music. (DD plays more "real" rock.) I wan't able to get
much past 4 FPS so I doubt any of the videos are work keeping. I will
look though, maybe some okay near the end of Asis' show when the
crowd started to thin out a bit.
It has been HOT here in Reno all week. Although we seem to be on the
edge of the Western Heat-Wave zone so avoided the worst of it. It's
only been about 100F here. Drinking a lot of cold drinks, which is
not good for me with the Kidney Failure... I've also been sticking to
cold foods like sandwitches. I guess everyone is right now.
16-June-2021 :: FS2019
I completed all of the achevements for Farming Simulator 2019 today.
That is the 2nd game I've finished all achevements for. (The other is
13-June-2021 ::
Kind of a meh week, but okay. I managed to get most of the Farming Simulator
Achevements, just have the $10m one to go. Should finish that tonight or
Monday I think. I plan to be at they IYC tonight, then go over to Luna's
to see Razi.
I have decided not to put my name on the list for a kidney transplant.
The thought of that major of a surgery is too frightning, and I would feel
wierd about having someone else's kidneys in me. I have implants, a lot of
them, but they are all artificial, plastic and metal. And I feel that someone
younger would be able to get more out of a transplant. It isnt like
I have anyone to stay alive for anymore. And I am not expecting to have
any grandchildren or anything. And the dialysis is keeping me alive
at the moment.
07-June-2021 :: Transplant Question
After two and a half years on dialysis, they finally asked me if I would
want to get a kidney transplant. I had kind of assumed that my age ruled
it out. Me being in my mid 50's, It made sense to me that they would offer
transplants to younger patients who could get more out of the time.
I have some serious thinking to do on this. The thought of such a major
surgery is frightning. The waiting list though they said is between 2 and
8 years.
03-June-2021 :: Access Replaced
I had to have my Dialysis access replaced again today. It had been failing
all last week. Fortunatly they were able to do the replacement on an
out-patient basis. Aparently a small piece of flesh had gotten stuck
in the tubing when it was installed last month. Ergh!
I've been playing around with farming simulator all week, I only need
3 more achevemts to complete the set.
30-May-2021 :: Ah Phooey
Neither of my favorite DJ's were on tonight. Probbably took the holiday off
since it is Memorial day Monday. The IYC club went through some major changes
during the week. They re-built the club as a "social club" building down
on ground level. The dance floor looks like it was added on as a patio to
the social club building as an afterthought instead of the main feature like
it always has been. The new dance floor area is only about 1/8th of what it
was before. To do all this they sadly removed the beach zone, as well as
the surfing waves.
Access to Healthcare will be closed Monday for the holiday so I will miss
Dialysis/ I have been missing Mondays for the past month for one reason
or another.
27-May-2021 :: Direct Express
I finally heard from Direct Express, the bank that Anna stole the money from.
They said in their letter that because the name on the Amazon account has
the same last name as mine, that they can't prove that the charges were
unauthorized and will not return the money. I'm now wondering if I should
trust these people with my money.
23-May-2021 :: Weakley Update
No, the title of this entry is not a typo. I've said it before and will again.
It isn't the heart attacks or the kidney failure that get ya, it's laying
in a hospital bed with absolutely nothing to do that does it. Although the
fatigue is also from the dialysis. So I didn't do much of anything this
past week.
I did manage to get to the IYC on Sunday and also dropped in to listen to
DJ Razi at Luna's Empire. He used to play at the IYC until about a year ago.
I spent most of the week playing SimAirport, which I bought just before
going into the hospital. I've also been updating my website a bit. I updated
the buttons for the left-side menu, and made the guest book a bit more
10-May-2021 (Week Of) :: Hospitalized Again
The blood cultures taken through my access port at both the old and
new Dialisys clinics show
there is a staph infection in the new access port and tubing, so it
has to be completely replaced. The culture taken at StMary's hospital
through the skin is negative though, so it isn't in my bloodstream yet.
At the advice of my new Nephrologist, Dr. Sievert, I checked in to
Renown Hospital.
They removed the old access port and tubing. OMG, it hurt!
That was the most intense pain I have ever felt. Fortunatly it only lasted
about 30 seconds.
The blood cultures came back negitive, so the infection didn't get into
my blood. They are pumping Me full of antibiotics just in case though.
They installed the new access port and tubing this morning, then did
the Dialysis in the hospital. I was discharged in the late afternoon
finally. My left shoulder is pretty sore but I expect that will
only last a couple of days. I can get back to my life again now.
05-May-2021 :: New Dialysis Center
I started my treatments today at the new Dialysis clinic in south Reno.
Unfornatualy it meant changing Doctors, but it is with the same office.
03-May-2021 :: Explosive Explecitives
I finally got pissed off. About and hour into my treatment today, the dislysis
clinic manager Brygida pulled her "I know best, Your Doctors dont know anything,
You don't know anything and you have to do exactly what I tell you to do or you
will die." bullshit. ENOUGH! This, combined with what happened on Friday was too much.
I don't usually swear, but I'm sure they heard me all over the Dialysis center.
I stormed out and told them I would never be back there. I started making
phone calls right away and within 40 minuites had arranged to move to another
30-April-2021 :: Heart Attack
I went for my first Dialysis since having the access replaced. Definatly
didn't go as planned. After less than an hour I had to be taken to the
hospital by the paramedics. The dialysis nurse used a cleaner that I am
alergic to. Aparently the reaction was so bad that it caused a
myocardial infarction (Heart Attack) ... Fortunatly a very mild one.
We didnt actually find out about it until the lab results came back
on Monday. Obviously I'm not doing my shows quite yet.
I will post an update in a couple of days.
27-Apr-2021 :: Surgery Okay
Today's surgery to replace my dialysis catheter when well a expected with no
complications. Im still a little woozy from the medications. Having a little trouble
typing but not that much. I rdered McDonalds to be delivered. Starving, not
supposed to eat or drink 6 hours before surgery so I'n starting. I expect to be
vsbk ok my radio Show Friday.
25-April-2021 :: Life Update - Guestbook, Windows, Factorio
I haven't been doing my radio shows much this week, as I am trying to chill-out
before my upcomming surgery. And I had several things I wanted to do and get
caught-up on.
One of those things was my guest-book. I took down my old guest-book because
of spammers posting advertisements to it, and left up
a note that I would be writing a new anti-spam guestbook script in "a few
days" ... ya well that was like 5 years ago. Well I finally did it.
You can access my guestbook my clicking
on the bottom right tiny box at the very bottom of the left side menu.
So pop in and leave a comment!
Windows did a major update so I've spent the weekend annoyed and pissed
off at it popping up shit I dont want, re-disabling start up crap, and re-
enabling the things I actually use.
I FINALLY got a couple of the factorio achevements I've been working on for months.
I didn't manage the 15-hour achevement, but I did manage the 25k circuits and
the 5k advanced circuits per hour ones.
And lastly I did post some more dance videos. #26 and #27 were shot saturday
at the YIFF club, where DJ Dark Dragon was performing.
23-April-2021 :: 2nd COVID shot
I got my 2nd covid vaccine shot today. 12 Hours later and other than
a slightly sore arm where they did the shot, I don't seem to be having
any effects.
22-April-2021 :: Surgery Delayed
My surgery to replace my dialysis access port had to be postponed to next
Tuesday. The Reno transit authority which operates our wheelchair bus service
messed up and didn't pick me up today. Ergh!
I've been playing around with the auto-directory feature of the
web server and managed to add descriptions to the videos section,
as well as add some info headers and footers to the page. Next week I
may try to fancy it up and make it look like the rest of my website.
18-April-2021 :: Surgery Scheduled
I am scheduled for surgery next Thursday to replace my dialysis access port.
It hasn't completely failed, but is bad enough that it is causing problems.
Not looking forward to having to do this surgery again.
I posted a couple of new videos from tonight at the IYC club in second life.
Number 22 is definatly worth checking out if you like breakdance and/or
industrial music. I have added a VIDEO link in the left side menus to
make it easier to access the vids.
13-April-2020 :: Dialysis Problem
Yesterday I went for my normal dialysis treatment but there was a problem. The
machine kept throwing alarms and stopping due to an alarm about the pressure
on my access port line. Aparently where the stop-clamp is there is a kink
that was blocking the blood flow. They ended up taking me off the machine
about 45 mins early and only managed to pull about 1 liter of fluid.
(Normally they pull 2 1/2 to 3 liters each day.)
Wednesday they will try flushing the line with medications to clear any clots
and maybe try to straighten out the kink. But there is a possiblility
that I will have to go in for surgery to replace the access line again.
I was hoping that this one would last a year, as that surgery is no fun.
It isn't considered major surgery, but not minor either as they have to
connect it near the heart, and up in the neck.
OGR has been off-the-air since Saturday with some technical issues, so
I haven't been able to do my radio show.
01-April-2021 :: Who?
A somewhat disturbing thought has been running through my head off-and-on the
past week. Who is going to burry me? I mean make the arrangements.
I know I have a very limited time. Assuming I don't have another heart-attack
and nothing else goes wrong, I know the kidney failure will eventually
catch up to me even with the dialysis, I probbably have 2-3 years left.
I have pretty much been put into the position of having to disown my
Daughter Anna. She was really my only family, but now she is Halott (dead)
to me.
Still no stimulus payment.
The bank still hasnt returned the money Anna stole.
26-March-2021 :: Vax
I got my 1st Covid-19 Vaccination today at the Dialysis Clinic. They are
doing the Moderna one, so I have to get a second shot in 4 weeks for
full immunity. I'm not sure if I had any reaction/side effects as the ones
normally assiciated with this vaccine are basicall the same as those one
can get from the Dialysis treatments. I did have a light headache
an hour after the shot and after a bit of sleep woke up feeling a bit
heavy-chested. But like usual with me went away soon.
I have been playing Factorio on Steam quite a lot the past couple of weeks
trying to gain one of the achevements. To get the achevement you have to
complete a game in 15 hours or less. I keep replaying the last 4 hours
tweaking and adjusting but can't quite make it.
22-March-2021 :: Clubbed
I finally went to the IYC club in SL and had a good time.
I had been skipping going the past few weeks.
We had a really good crowd tonight, too.
I Posted a couple of
I ran into an old friend at the club that I haven't seen in a long time.
Meowtuna (Now going by Purrbagins) was one of the DJ's I worked with
at Club69 Radio.
I have also been spending a bit of time scripting and
building in SL this past week. Overall a good week.
05-March-2021 :: Cleaning
The building management where I live wanted to bug-spray today. They do it
every 5-6 months just as preventitive maintaince, which is great actually.
It finally gave me the chance to clean up all the crap Anna left behind
and throw it out... I had been putting it off, but it has been about 5
weeks I think since she abandoned me. It was physically draining to do it
though, as I still get easily fatigued.
21-Feb-2021 :: New Second Life Viewer
Last week the IYC club had a Valentines dance, and I noticed just
how badly the second life viewer was doing. I also noticed it was
only using about 4% of the graphics processor, according to my sidebar
I decided to try out a third-party Second Life viewer client called
Phoenix Firestorm. (
OMG it's a massive difference.
Admittedly the IYC isnt for low end computers because of the number of people
there and the club build itsself can be a challenge for many compuers.
But my computer is more mid-range and I was only geting 5-6 Frames per
Second with the original SL viewer. With Firestorm using 12% of the GPU
I was getting 15-20 FPS which made the dancing a lot smoother.
I posted a couple of new videos of the club (Number 17 and 18) in my
Videos Directory ... I asked DJ Dark Dragon to play Comeon Ride the Train
and did basically the same break dance in #17 as was shown in #6 a couple
of months ago for comparison. I was able to do my break-dance a little
more complex tonight thanks to Firestorm.
13-Feb-2021 :: I'm Furry
I have been finding myself spending a lot of time among my Furry
friends to fight off the depression over what happened with Anna.
At least trying to.
For those who have been wondering what I mean when I say
that I am Furry, I will let Kurrel the Raven
Explain it to you...
05-Feb-2021 :: Near Death Experiance
Today was a dialysis day, and not a very good one. Dialysis is actually
dangerous, occasionally someone has to be taken out by the paramedics.
Today about 30 mins before the end of my treatment I started cramping.
That happens when they take out too much liquid from your system. To relieve
the cramps, I sat up in the chair. Turned out to be a major mistake.
I dont think I have ever been that dizzy and light headed before, not even
during my last heart attack. I suddenly also felt like the room temp had
gone up to 200 degrees, and the machine started sounding alarms as my BP
dropped to near death levels. The tec and nurses leaned me back in the chair
all the way laying down and started to pump fluids back in to me. After, They
told me that my blood pressure had dropped to 61 systolic.
30-Jan-2021 :: Upset
I didn't go to Dialysis on Friday, and couldn't do my shows on Fri or Today.
This whole thing with Anna has me upset very badly. I still can't believe it.
28-Jan-2021 :: Anna Missing
Anna had a severe panic attack last week, and had arranged a Doctor
appointment for yesterday. But she has not come home from it. As she has
been missing now for over 24 hours, I have filed a missing person report
with the Reno Police.
UPDATE: I was about to order food in and checked my bank account...
Which had been emptied out. Several charges from Amazon were on the credit
card. Amazon confirmed that it was Anna. I've had to cancel all my credit
cards. Needless to say the police are no longer looking for Anna as a
missing person, but now as a wanted fugitive. I can't believe I was so
01-Jan-2021 :: Happy New Year
Aye, I am still alive. Not doing anything special for New Year.
Still going to the IYC club. The Radio Theatre is going well.
Instead of posting individual videos of the club, You will
find them in the
Video Directory of my website.
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