Geocaching is a treasure hunting game
played by hikers and backpackers around the world. The real "Treasure" though is the
location; Geocaches are often placed at nature trail "points of
The Geocache itself is a waterproof container such as an old surplus
ammo-box, Tupperware container, or film canister. They have a log-book,
and Most will contain trinkets for the finders. Normally on finding the
cache, you sign and date the logbook, take out one item and put
something else in the cache. (I usually leave small cat toys, such as
little furry mice.) Some caches also contain special items such as
travel-bugs and geocoins which are tracked from cache to cache using
serial numbers.
The game is played by using GPS coordinates. The person hiding the
geocache will publish the longitude and latitude of the cache on a
website such as www.geocaching.com
... the seekers will then track the cache down using a GPS receiver.