Roko's Sims - Turnkey Family

House Value50447
House Size3051 SqFt
Sim Rate: Size100
Sim Rate: Furniture86
Sim Rate: Yard100
Sim Rate: Upkeep96
Sim Rate: Layout44

Bingo turnkey

Career PathMedicine
Current JobChief of Hospital Staff
Job Performance (0-100)62
Current Salary850
STAT: Neatness5
STAT: Outgoing4
STAT: Active3
STAT: Playfulness8
STAT: Niceness5
SKILL: Cooking3
SKILL: Mechanical6
SKILL: Charisma6
SKILL: Body7
SKILL: Logic9
SKILL: Creativity4
Likes/Dislikes: Politics=0, Weather=8, Sports=10, Leisure=4, Science Fiction=1;
Likes/Dislikes: Travel=1, Flower Power=2, Babies=10, Beauty=6, Spooky Stuff=5

Florence turnkey

Career PathJournalism
Current JobInvestigative Reporter
Job Performance (0-100)47
Current Salary850
STAT: Neatness4
STAT: Outgoing4
STAT: Active4
STAT: Playfulness7
STAT: Niceness6
SKILL: Cooking6
SKILL: Mechanical1
SKILL: Charisma9
SKILL: Body4
SKILL: Logic5
SKILL: Creativity6
Likes/Dislikes: Politics=7, Weather=2, Sports=7, Leisure=6, Science Fiction=6;
Likes/Dislikes: Travel=8, Flower Power=6, Babies=0, Beauty=1, Spooky Stuff=1

Family Photo Album

Day 0
The First Kiss

Day 2
So much for his ability to cook... good thing there was a smoke detector

Day 3
I could have done without this. At least they included a can of RAID!

Day 15
Burglar caught. (Burglar took the Burnt up stove... which their insurance replaced.)

Day 30
One might just expect a Doctor to know the Grim Reaper... but be friends and tell Jokes to him?

Day 30
A Friendship is formed.... perhaps Bingo thinks it will make him a better doctor (I did. He needed the friendship to be promoted. He made "Specialist" on day 33)

Day 34
Burglar caught. (He was a very cooperative one... He wasn't on level ground and the cop complained about it... so he moved THEN put his hands up. :)) He didn't even get into the house this time so didn't get anything.

Day 34
Remodeling the bathroom. BEFORE picture. (I did the remodeling while they were both at work.

Remodeling AFTER. Expanded by one sq to allow doors to bath and kitchen for easier access. Same tub. Standup sink replaced with counter. Commode replaced with Furry one. New wallpaper and floor tile. Vanity added. Note the Blue Tulip shaped wall sconces which match the decor

After they lived in it for awhile I discovered they were going out to the kitchen to wash up after using the toilet. Aparently that sink was closer! I also added another door out to the hallway so when the phone rings they don't have to go around.

Day 49
Playing Chess together (and Talking) (There may be a problem though... he was coughing. He knows Markie Mansim and I understand the Guenneabonic Plague **IS** contagious.)

Day 51
I noticed that Bingo and Florence could have had their "Furnishings" indicators a bit higher, so decided to do some work on the house. I added this "Bump" in the kitchen to put the trash compactor into to make room for a dishwasher.

Day 51
Improved Kitchen. (With Dishwasher and Microwave Oven) I had originally intended to put the dishwasher in the place where the Trash compactor was (far right of counter) but figured this would put the dishwasher closer to the table... and was afraid they would run into each other in the corner.

Day 51
This is the rearranged living room. The sofa and the chairs by the chess board are new, as is the rug.

Day 51
The re-arranged office. (The desk chair, clock, computer and lamp are the new items.

Day 51
While I was at it, i did some landscaping. (Yes, that's a security camera on the corner of the house.) Part of what I did was level the front yard. The Maid kept dropping the trash while going uphill. (I ended up having to take out several of the Birch trees... I couldn't send them to sleep because they obscured the bed and I couldn't click on it!)

Day 51
I replaced the laptop with this desktop computer, naturally She's playing games. :) [The labtop computer was out of sync with the Sims themselves.]

Day 52
A Different car picked up Dr turnkey today....

And what's this he's wearing?

Day 52
Florence likes to paint....

Day 54
The Gardener

Day 54
The Maid

Day 60
Now the Doc gives it a try

Day 61
When the lightbulb blew out on the counter light, it prompted even more remodeling of the kitchen. (Mostly the new cabnets, and a new sink... oh and the blender was replaced with a food processor.) (They couldn't replace the bulb, the counter was in the way.) They like the microwave By the way.

Day 61
Dr turnkey invented a vaccine for "Llama-Pox" and got ss8,000 (and a charisma point he needed to be promoted.) He needs only ONE more creativity point... (Which as you can see he's fairly close to getting) so he's painting for his point and will take the day off tmw to get the skill points and get his final promotion. To comemorate the event, I gave him a Llama Topiary.

A better shot of the Llama Topiary and Wishing Well (with optional gardener)

Day 62
Dr turnkey was promoted to Chief of Staff for the Hospital. To Celebrate, I gave him a Hot-Tub. (Figured he'd get more use out of that that a Bust of Athena....) To make it complete, I built a patio around it and ended up giving him a BBQ and a Boom-Box for it. (The Dr was supposed to get the first pool, but that honor went to Michael Jacksim so I also threw in a Wishing well. (Next to The Llama Topiary on the left side of the photo.) The Dr is though the first of my Sims to to get a hot-tub. (Or be able to afford it!)

Day 63
They wasted no time at all. The very first morning after the patio was built they had their breakfast out here. (I sure hope the Varnish was dry! :)

Day 63
As soon as the good Dr turnkey left for work, Mrs turnkey found the BoomBox and discovered some music she could dance to...